+91 773 088 0938, +91 951 509 3507


"High educational aspiration for the right talent"

To encourage and support the under privileged, talented students to pursue higher education or to obtain employable skills. KKCT is committed to improve livelihood of under privileged families by supporting higher education or by providing employable skills to the young family members. The main focus of our trust will be to create a platform for talented but, economically challenged young students. The trust will ensure that young students pursue their higher education or employable skills of their interest, through monetary or in kind support. KKCT believes that EDUCATION is one of the most powerful weapons to change the livelihoods of families thereby changing the society for better. The trust also works towards removing the notion of higher education as a privilege, by working closely with suitable candidates. The candidates, upon selection, can choose their specific areas of interest in creating themselves a sustainable career. The trust also monitors the selected candidates for career progression and assesses the impact created to adapt to the changing scenarios.


“Education for extremely talented but economically challenged”

To improve livelihoods of under privileged families, using education and skilling as tools.

Join Us Now

Support the Poor

Bronze Membership

  • Used for Child Expenses
  • Care of Child Minimal Health
  • Unlimited Public Projects
  • Stationary Kit
  • Unlimited Child Care
  • Dedicated Management Support
  • Free Accomodation
  • Monthly Visiting Charges
Silver Membership

Student Academic Performance Scheme


    • Used for Child Expenses
    • Care of Child Minimal Health
    • Student Academic Performance Scholarships
    • Stationary Kit
    • Unlimited Child Care
    • Dedicated Management Support
    • Free Accomodation
    • Monthly Visiting Charges
Gold Membership

Student Stationary Scheme


    • Used for Child Expenses
    • Care of Child Minimal Health
    • Donor Display
    • Stationary Kit
    • Unlimited Child Care
    • Dedicated Management Support
    • Free Accomodation
    • Monthly Visiting Charges
Platinum Membership

Student Complete Scholarship Scheme


  • Used for Child Expenses
  • Care of Child Minimal Health
  • Donor Display
  • Student Complete Scholarships Scheme
  • Stationary Kit
  • Unlimited Child Care
  • Dedicated Management Support
  • Free Accomodation
  • Monthly Visiting Charges